完全時間停止 ~無理やり時間を止められた世界でハメられる女たち~

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ID: v17884
発売日: 2015-09-04
原作: https://vndb.org/v17884
One morning, our protagonist, Ryousuke, is woken up by incredible pain. After the agony naturally calm down, he thinks back about the reason for his current suffering. The night before, he was told that he only has 1 year to live.

For now, Ryousuke decides to go outside to have a change of air. However, he immediately notices an unusual event, and after some carefully inspections, he can conclude that: Time has stopped.

While thinking about how he can live beyond his life expectancy with this, Ryousuke unconsciously cancels the the time stop. Unexpectedly, the girl whose cheeks he has been pulling in order to test the phenomenon turns around and tells him to get lost.

Being coldly told off like that suddenly fills his body with strange urges, that he must teach her a lesson. He silently says in his mind: "Time, stop."

[Translated from Official Site]


パスワード: ryuugames.com


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