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ID: v27034
発売日: 2019-11-24
原作: https://vndb.org/v27034
I am a new teacher at this school. I'm busy with a pile of work and living hectic days. Two female students failed the final exam this term, so I had to give them supplementary lessons and make-up exams.
Although I was disappointed with their first supplementary lessons and make-up exams, I called the two students to the staff room to explain the supplementary lessons and make-up exams.
However, they begged me to let them skip the make-up exams because they didn't want to lose their club activities and time with friends. They promised to do anything I asked, except for sex.
I was shaken by their words. I could lose my job if I forced them to do something like this. But this might be the only chance I have, so I jokingly asked them to perform fellatio services.
Surprisingly, they agreed to it easily. I was shocked, but the three of us started secret supplementary lessons.


パスワード: ryuugames.com


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