女体化しただけなのに… ~TSしたテニス部エースは、部員の慰み者となりました~

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ID: v42477
発売日: 2022-03-31
原作: https://vndb.org/v42477
I received the long-sought ticket to the national competition for the first time. Since I am the ace of the team, I vowed to continue leading the team as it's president, but just as when I was thinking that, something terrible happened――

"I.. It's not true...... I have...... turned into........ a girl......?"

Come to think of it, I heard the news that there were extremely rare cases in which people had their sex changed suddenly. By receiving a large shock to the brain, the gender and body could change overnight. In my case, it might have been from the match that I had the other day that effected me. I thought that this story was just an urban legend――

At the time, I did not realize it, but the boys' attitudes toward me gradually began to change. And then, as a result of leaving that feeling unattended...... It turned into a situation that I would never have expected――

[Translated and edited from Getchu]


パスワード: ryuugames.com


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