パパラブ ~パパとイチャエロしたい娘達と一つ屋根の下で~

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ID: v8497
発売日: 2011-12-16
原作: https://vndb.org/v8497
Haruki is a classroom teacher living a happy life with his wife and daughters. He is quite the horndog and never fails to have sex with his wife each and every night.

The couple has a quarrel one day which causes his wife to stay away from home for a while. Now he is left with two of his daughters along with his unquenched lust. He tries to masturbate but it seems like his daughters are more than willing to take over the role their mother has left behind. Of course he keeps hold of his sense of morality but it's just a matter of time before he gives in to the temptation.


パスワード: ryuugames.com


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