発売日: 2017-10-30
原作: https://vndb.org/v22085
Two weeks ago, I was ordered to transfer.
A demotion to a rural place that I've never heard of but,
for a wimp like me with poor communication skills,
I didn't have the courage to quit my company nor......
After a few hours, transferring between trains and buses,
I finally arrive at my destination. A village in the middle of no-where.
I open the door to the empty house my company provided me
and proceeded inside. It was at that time that...
"An A-L-I-E-N, I caught ittt~~!"
"Yayyy, we caught it~!"
An energetic and voluptuous girl.
A pale and obedient looking girl.
Both their chests, divinely blessed by the heavens.
"Huh, hey mister, your here, here is getting hard? Why~ why~~?"
"This place here, do men get big here or something......?"
[From DLsite English]
パスワード: ryuugames.com